Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Tuesday night ride

So we do this mid-week race ride on our team. Used to be on Wednesdays, but this year we moved it to Tuesdays. We did the first one yesterday. Basically this ride is all about Matt Rozek making us all suffer. Matt's one of the stronger local hammers and he likes to ride hard. Really hard. All the time. Most of us old geezers like to ease in to it a bit. But Matt typically drills it early, drills it often, and drills it some more until the ride is over.

I will typically try to go with Matt when he goes and inevitably he flicks me the elbow when I'm already red lined behind him. I will usually pull through because... well because pulling through just seems like the honorable thing to do. If everyone would pull through then we could take short pulls and have plenty of rest. The problem is many people don't pull through and I am usually completely blown 1/3 of the way into the ride. I can't blame them honestly.

Now, we also have Peter Allen on the ride. Peter certainly can hang with Matt, but he's a little more copacetic on making the ride fruitful for everyone. He guides us toward easing up a bit so we can have a better workout overall rather than ride to the point of explosion. And with Peter's experience of course we all listen. Well almost all of us.

My favorite part of yesterday's ride:

Matt: "Peter is going to yell at me"
Me: "Because we're going too hard?"
Matt: "Peter is going to yell at me. He wants us to ride tempo together."
Matt: "But I'm going to attack."

Ha Ha Ha, got to love em both. I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to ride with these guys on a regular basis. Even if it hurts.

2 comments: said...


nosajpalnud said...

sounds like I missed some fun out there on a nice warm night

the dreaded Land Park jinx is back again for the frickin third year in a row - got the nasty flu bug....and I've been takin good care of the body or so I thought....arggggg!