Tuesday, May 16, 2006

We got em Dave

I haven't been on the bike in a full week. Imagine that. 7 Days. Not like some guys who say, "oh, I haven't ridden in a week" which really means like 3 days.

So I go out on the trail and the legs are feeling funky. I get passed by 4 guys, two of whom have aero bars on, and they're all riding tight like they're doing the Giro team TT. As I gobble down the last of my Clif p-nut butter choco bar, I think to my self; "bet I can catch those guys before the dam". So off I go but they must have been going too hard for themselves because as I approach them I see two have dropped off and two are still putting their best effort in. I blow by the guys off the back, catch the other two and blow by them and keep going until they're out of site.

Congratulations, you just crushed 4 middle aged rec riders out for their jollies. Do you feel better now? And I think "We got em Dave didn't we?" "Yeah" says Dave "We got em"


nosajpalnud said...

you've just been downgraded to a bike trail racer :)

*rant on*
What gets me is when you're cruising along and some guys sucks your wheel for a few miles, pulls around, does not say hi, is half out of breath then flops on a mini roller. You're on a recovery ride just laughin'.

The funnier thing is when you are ridin' with a lady and the "tough" bike trail racer egomaniacs come out and don't want to get passed ...um by a girl.

Guys in their full team kits that won't wave back or say hi back when you pull along side and then try to accelerat - damn 1/2 wheeler posers!!

*rant off*

Johnny GoFast said...

I laugh at your silly 4lb weight gain. Mondo home from a week in Maui stepped on the scale this morning eight pounds up. Ouch. At my nadir, I had a hotdog in one hand, a beer in the other, and a mai tai on deck. "Holy crap," I thought in my beer induced daze. How many bullets did I consume? Only eight....a day on average. Managed a few rides on a rented Cannondale. Cool roads and scenery for sure. With the new weight on, I'm devising plans. Downhilling perhaps. Maybe back to throwing darts.


Lothar Glerbny said...

We all need our bunnies to motivate us to work harder. Training is training no matter how you get it.

I like when a guy wheel sucks thinking he is going to "get you" at the sprint line and then accelerating the poser right off your wheel. I have been on both sides of that one!

momentum = mass * velocity

Good for TTs and crits...at least that is what I tell myself.