Friday, August 04, 2006

End of Times

I had no idea it was the end of times until I saw this clip of the Daly Show. I thought all the fighting was naturally explained. Iraq=Presidentshitforbrains, and Lebanon is because people in the Middle East don't love their kids enough to keep a lid on their aggressions. Carl, as the expert on Christianity at least for the next 12 months, can you confirm Armageddon is really upon us?


My heart says Landis is clean, but my mind says he's doped. I can not logically explain how you can bonk one day and have a phenomenal effort the next like in Stage 17. That's not how my body works at least. I want to believe in him since it was such a great ride, but I can't. It's so disappointing as fan to follow the pro tour only to have every great effort tainted by doping. I'm therefore resigning my fan position effective immediately. No more visiting Cyclingnews and Velonews multiple times a day. From now on, I'm just following the local exploits of my fellow racers.


I wish every non cyclist I know would stop calling me to ask if I think Landis is doped.


Check this Led Zep rif out... gotta watch until the music comes on. That's when it gets good.


Wednesday: Mediocre week on the bike. 7x5min intervals on 3 min rest. Was supposed to do 8, with 6 of them on the hill but I only did 4 then aborted the 5th, then I got a flat, then I stopped for a Pepsi (because they didn't have Coke). I recovered a little motivation and did 3 more on the way home but it was on the flats. Ofcourse I focused on all the negative like a proper cyclist should; Am I sick? (maybe), have I lost it?, did I ever have it?, am I tired?, blah, blah, blah. Oh and my powertap was not working... was showing 120watts on the climbs.... where did the power go, and my cassette was skipping big time.


Thursday: Followed up the Wednesday debacle with sprints workout with Dunlap and Rutherford. JD told me what was wrong with my powertap, so that was nice. But then he proceeded to beat me up on every single sprint. I had the excuse that he was coming out of my draft, but then he beat me (crushed me really) heads up mano y mano. Then Roy joined us for leadouts and JD continued to crush me regardles of whether I was 2nd or 3rd wheel. Ok, I still have a whole bunch of excuses but I'm keeping those to myself. 9x15-25sec sprints @ 977-1169 watts, 34-37.5 mph. Love the sprint workout none the less. Very easy mentally and physically compared to long intervals but makes you hurt all the same.

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