Friday, May 19, 2006

Dr. G says...

... stay off the bike for 4 weeks. Ouch!

I'm looking for a new sport to keep me in shape for the next 4 weeks. Any suggestions?

Oh, and this means look out Cross season 'cause I'll be bringing it full bore!

Countdown to resume cycling: 27 days


Johnny GoFast said...

Can't answer you on what sport, but a Coors Light and a slice sound pretty darn good about now.

nosajpalnud said...

uh oh - another sport.....crap man we need you out there

Think you said you don't like running? Good for cross.

Swimming = no good for biking but will keep the lbs. off

Basketball's ok as long as you dont twist an ankle


Race director *snip*

Well there's always 12 oz. curls

Dr. Xeno said...

Por que?

Add one vote back for swimming; good for core strength, plus evens out the goofy tan lines.

But more cycling specific: rollerblading, or skateboarding (half-pipes will rock your quads & gluts). I'd push skate-skiing, but season is off.

Lothar Glerbny said...

Stay off the bike for 4 weeks...are you crazy...if not you will be.

Sounds like a good time to get back in the gym and work on some base strength.