Monday, May 01, 2006

Yoda Madera Report

Kinda pissed Zefrank stole my knowledge with Yoda today. I awoke this morning and decided it would be allYoda, all day. Before I watched Zefrank, which daily habit it is.

Boss: Hello Griff, what's happening? Listen, are you gonna have those TPS reports for us this afternoon?
Griff: No.
Boss: Ah. Well then I suppose we should go ahead and have a little talk.
Griff: Right now, Not. Busy I'm kinda. Come back later, ask you I'm gonna. In fact, meeting I've got with the Bobs in minutes a couple.
Boss: I wasn't aware of a meeting with them.
Griff: Yeah, home at they called me.
Boss: What’s wrong with you?


Warm the weather it was.

Trains, they were rolling as was I in the Trial of Time. 9th was I with 23:22. By 1 second was I behind 8th and by another behind 7th. Count the little things do when the clock you race against.

The Crit prime I battled mightily, but lost I did. A 5-second bonus earned was not. Same time would most receive.

Road Race: Hard it was punched on the road bumpy, each time. Sit in I otherwise did. Up the road a break of three, there was on lap 3. Hard I punched it again on the bumpy at the end of lap 3, and a group of 4 we formed. Break we did catch to become 7. Dropped was one, to 6 we make. Bridged were two, to 8 we make. Two Davis BC, Webcor, Spine, Me, CVC, and two others. Dropped was one Davis BC, to 7 we make. Happy was I with Davis BC only one. Happy was I with the teams big represented. A break we would stick for a GC reshuffle. Sadly, only 1 could I beat for a placement of 6. But happy was I with only 1 other GC contender in the break.

Although the force consulted, I have many times. GC results know I not, so comment if knowledge you have. (Cat 3)


Johnny GoFast said...

Pathetic young jedi, have you not learned. Focus and the answer will come.

nosajpalnud said...

nice work Mac!! How do you guys think of this stuff? Unfortunately no $$ in blogging.

This weekend Madera was not. The hacking allergy cough it was again. Ah but the river ride it was....

So wtf happened to DH - not there in the break? How did AL do in the 4s? I should have lugged my sorry ass down to race with ya. You racin' 3s or geezers this weekend?

Now get back to those TPS reports

Steve Griffiths said...

Not sure what happened to DH. He did not start on Sunday. Think he might have left in protest b/c they had his TT time at 55 minutes when in fact he pulled a 23:5x which prob would have put him in the top 20. Glad he was there on Sat though.

AL was ripping it up o'course. Not sure how he ended up but I saw him in a small group of leaders on the last lap of his RR. said...

classic this is.

Andrew (My-alter-ego-hamish) said...

You are a complete freak man.....I LOVE IT!! I have to write my race report now, you just provided me the motivation.

Chico Cyclist said...

Dude, I'm in hysterics - this is awesome!!

Lothar Glerbny said...

Ride not with your legs but with your heart and mind young warrior on two wheels, and GC will come.